Friday, December 29, 2006

The Murder of Saddam

Iraq under Saddam and begining of my writing has a strange connection. During my days as a student in one of West Bengal's best residential schools, Ramakrishna Mision Vidyapith at Purulia, I started off writing my first article, and coincidentally on Gulf War - 1991. And evidently enough, Iraq and the Gulf area gets an extra attention.

While going through my daily dose of internet based news channels today morning (30/12), news of Saddam Hussein's execution was glaringly across all channels. Could not help but make my democratic self to write about this.

It actually makes me a little sad that Saddam has been executed and the reason is a flimsy "convicted for the Dujail killings and held responsible for the death of 148 Shias after an assassination attempt on his life in the 80s". What is surprising is George Bush Jr was so fond of his Iraqi Shiite brethren, that he spent billions of dollars and lives of atleast 3000 American soldiers to take revenge on their behalf. Not to forget the innumerable Iraqis who are being killed in a strange civil war, on a daily basis. And all of Mr Bush's claim of WMDs and support to the evil partnership has long since vanished into thin air. In fact one should ask Mr Bush, what would he have done if their was an assasination attempt on him or any of the US presidents? The twin tower bombings had Afghanistan razed and the ultimate egg on the face, Osama Bin Laden going around as free as spirit.

Iraq under Saddam was much more developing and liberal. The country had a appreciable economic growth, women had extensive freedom and law and order situation was eons better. Mr Bush Jr says, that the situation in Iraq is nowhere near improvement. Then what exactly did all his powers do for 4 years? Why did he exactly decide to attack a country which was cruising normally? And as claimed, if Saddam was conniving with Osama, why didnt he do that long back? And did Bush Jr take the reponsibility of ensuring their modicum of governance across the world? I have a nagging thought if all this had something to do with Bush Sr's snub on the eve of the Gulf War. But I would definitely make a caveat here: I am not at all saying that Saddam's brutality is condonable. But equally unacceptable is Bush's world policeman style of functioning.

Iraq continues to be in midst of a horrible civil strife and Osama continues to be elusive as ever, more so now. Lets see, which nation is next on Bush's scope! Iran, North Korea or somewhere else? Wat say people?

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